Daegyu Lim a Ph.D. Candidate at SNU in Robotics & ML

Humanoid Balance Control using Centroidal Angular Momentum based on Hierarchical Quadratic Programming

Myeong-Ju Kim, Daegyu Lim, Gyeongjae Park, Jaeheung Park

IROS 2022



— Maintaining balance to external pushes is one of the most important features for a humanoid to walk in a real environment. In particular, methods for counteracting to pushes using the centroidal angular momentum (CAM) control have been actively developed. In this paper, a CAM control scheme based on hierarchical quadratic programming (HQP) is proposed. The scheme of the CAM control consists of CAM tracking control and initial pose return control, which is hierarchically operated based on HQP to ensure the priority of CAM tracking performance. The proposed method is implemented in a capture point (CP) feedback control framework. Through simulations and experiments, the proposed method demonstrated more stable balance control performance than the previous method when the humanoid is walking in the presence of external perturbation.

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